The flight in horizon with request wings and lover heart...
حتما آدام لامبر رو مي شناسيد همون كسي كه مجري برنامه ي امريكا آيدل در PMCبهش دختر كش مي گهو باوجودGuyبودنش هنوز هم دختر هاي زيادي دوستش دارن این مصاحبه با آدام بعد از فینال فصل هشتم امریکن آیدول انجام شده: چطور شد که تصمیم گرفتی توی امریکن آیدول شرکت کنی؟ - همکارانم بهم پیشنهاد دادند و دست از سرم برنداشتند! حالا که در امریکن آیدول برنده نشدی می خوای چکار کنی؟ - به نوشتن آهنگ و ضبط کردن ادامه می دم چه استعدادهای دیگه ای داری؟ - بازیگری کلاس خوانندگی هم رفتی؟ - بله از کی شروع به خوندن کردی؟ - وقتی 10 سالم بود کدوم قسمت فصل قبلی امریکن آیدول رو بیشتر دوست داشتی؟ - وقتی که Kelly Clarkson آهنگ Natural Woman رو خوند. کدوم آهنگ رو واقعاً دوست داری توی امریکن آیدول بخونی؟ - Whole Lotta Love اگه بهت می گفتن که می تونی با یه نفر یا یه گروه بخونی کی رو انتخاب می کردی؟ - Nikka Costa بهترین خواننده و اجرا کننده روی صحنه که تا به حال دیدم! اگه می تونستی یه قسمت از زندگیت رو به عقب برگردونی کدوم قسمت بود؟ - از هیچ قسمتش پشیمون نیستم! شگفت انگیزترین قسمت امریکن آیدول چی بود؟ - اینکه بقیه ی شرکت کننده ها چقدر صمیمی بودن و روحیه می دادن بدترین قسمتش چی بود؟ - وایستادن توی صف!!
اولین کنسرتی که توش شرکت کردی چی بود؟ - Under my spell tour پائولا عبدل دوست داری کجا اجرا داشته باشی؟ - Paris Opera House کدوم یکی از شرکت کننده هایی که تا حالا توی امریکن آیدول شرکت کرده اند واست جذاب تر بوده؟ - فانتازیا بارینو دونستن چه نکته ای در مورد تو ممکنه مردم رو متعجب کنه؟ - من وحشتناک خرافاتیم! کدوم داور رو از همه بیشتر دوست داشتی؟ - پائولا! به خاطر انرژی مثبت و روحیه دادنش اگه نمی تونستی بخونی چه استعداد دیگه ای داشتی؟ - رقص چه آلبومی داری که ممکنه دوستات از دیدنش تعجب کنند؟ - میسی الیوت هدفت در زندگی چیه؟ - کار موسیقی و اجرا رو ادامه بدم و حمایت کردن از خودم و خانواده ام!! (بابا مرد خانواده!! چقدر خانواده دوسته این بچه!!) رکورد شکنی آدام در شهر کبک (کانادا) آدام لمبرت در Quebec رکورد شکست! آدام به عنوان خواننده ی مهمان در فستیوال امسالGatineau Hot Air Balloon که هر ساله در شهر کبک کانادا برگزار می شه دعوت شده بود و یکی از پر جمعیت ترین روزهای اجرای تاریخ این برنامه رو رقم زد!! جمعیت شرکت کننده حدود 70000 نفر بودند که 50000 نفر اونها اجرای آدام رو به صورت زنده دیدند What is the Chinese zodiac? The Chinese have named gears after animals for thousands of gears. In fact, the Chinese zodiac system is extremely complex, based on an ancient agricultural calendar. In addition to the twelve animals, there are the elements(water, wood fire, earth and metal),house(12 two hour periods),directions, stones, months and seasons. (The Twelve Animals)The origins of the twelve animals which are honored with a year each is rich in legends and myths. Acommonly held belief is that the Buddha decided to invite all the animals of the earth to visit him on New Years Day. However, Despite preparing for the biggest party. Since the disembarkation of at Noah's RAT 1900,,1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008 Rats are charming, creatures ,contrary to their reputation in the animals kingdom. Amusing and intelligent .They love socializing and attract a wide circle of friends. However these relation ships can be short-lived since hats adore gossip. At though they can be quick to anger, Rat people are able to conceal their negative feeling beneath, a calm exterior. Rats are acquisitive, salting away their money in an effort to feel secure. They are ambitious and persistent, often being successful in business enterprises. However, in this context as in their personal lives, Rats need constant communication and support. They thrive on a frenzy of activity in a variety of fields in both work and recreational spheres. OX 1901,1913,1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009 Ox people are placid and stable, utterly reliable and tenacious. They are true survivors, doggedly plodding through life's obstacles and pitfalls to achieve their chosen aims. Ox people are careful about whom they take n to their confidence. But once you have earned their trust, you will enjoy their sympathy, sound a dvice and willingness to give constructive help when the situation arises. Although tolerant and easy-going. It is dangerous to push the ox too far. he or she make a formidable and long-lived enemy. No strangers to domesticity. Ox people make excellent parents and caring, Loyal partners you may find them looking after the elderly, large numbers of children of the sick. TIGER 1902,1914,1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,986,1998,2010 Tiger people powerful and courageous in line with their animal counterparts .together with their capacity for original creative thought .tigers are natural leaders. However while occupying their elevated position in society. Tiger people can be selfish and stubborn, exercising an un willingness to take heed of or trust others beneath them. they have a rebellious streak and tend to resent their elders or anyone in a position of authority above them. Tigers can be wild creatures, lacking in stability and prone to restlessness .Quick to become bored. they thrive on variety and constant challenge. Tigers are not easily tamed, they value their freedom and independence. too much. HARE or cat 1903,1915,1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999,2011 Hare are sensitive and intuitive creature. that love the company of others, seeking the warmth and security of a one-to-one relationship. they make responsive companions, tactful, respectful and sympathetic. Hares will do anything to keep the peace: they will back off at the first sing of trouble. Naturally reserved .Hares may with drow in to the safety of their own. Private, untouchable world .They are highly cautious and seek the tranquility and security of a real home above all things often lucky financially, Hares have on uncanny sense for pickying a winner and make good gamblers. Disciplined as they are by their innate caution. DRAGON 1904,1916,1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,200,2012 Dragons are larger than life, befitting their my thological status. in Chinese astrology. They will attention in any situation even though it may not always be of positive natural! Flamboyant glamorous and strong willed, the Dragon draws people to him or her like a magnet. Full of energy. Drive and ambition. Dragons are highly visible in society as politicians, film stars pop stars and entrepreneurs-always in the fore from of their chosen fieds. However, prpre yourself for the Dragon's lack of consideration for others. He or she can be unfaithful or unreliable but you will doubtless be persuaded to give them a second or more chance, such is there is their attraction. SNAKE 1905,1917,1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001,2013 Snakes are often physically attractive but in addition they have a flair for creating just the right look for any occasion by judiciously applying a few individual and creative touches. They have a special gift for recognizing potential where few other people would, and helping to fulfill it to great effect, this trait helps snakes to succeed in business. Snakes have a subtle way of leading people into thinking that they are supremely know led geable in whatever field suits their purpose at the time. they would not stoop to telling others beneath then. They have a rebellious streak and tend to resent their elders downright lies. Often romantic, snakes are attentive to the changing moods and appearance of their nearest and dearest, although they will quickly become morose if this attention is not reciprocated. HORSE 1906,1918,1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002,2014 Horses are popular, friendly creatures creatures but can have a fiery, rebellious latent tendency. They are physically energetic, strong and enduring and will invariably work hard at any job. However, they maybe over-enthusiastic and single-minded about a pet project and be hove some what impetuously and pig-headed. Horses are gregarious people and enjoy entertainment on a large scale. they enjoy spending money, for instance on expensive clothes, but they so put their boundless energy into travel. Horse people are prone to falling hopelessly in love and be come blind to the world outside. SHEEP 1907,1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991,2003,2015 Ships are gentle, selfless creatures-you will find many of them in the caring profession. They are often artistic but tend to follow on established tradition rather then create on original style. Consequently, they make skilled crafts people. In fact in all spheres of life sheep people, like the animals they are named after, are followers arther than leaders. They often lack a sense of direction and therefore can become last and confused in life if they do not receive strong but kindly guidance. Left to their own devices, sheep can be irresponsible and impractial. Sheep people can be great peacemakers, able to defuse an explosive situation with their considerable tact and diplomacy. They value security above all else. MONKEY 1908,1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,19080,1992,2004,2016 Monkeys are multi-Talentend people, being quick of wit and highly adaptable. However, in view of their light-hearted natures and great sense of humor, their worth can be anderestimateal by other people who refuse to take them seriously. If valued and encouraged, monkeys can be extremely successful in business with their adeptness at making deals. Al though delightful company, monkeys can be unreliable and less than honest, even double-dealing in personal relation ships. There fore the monkey may find his or her associations short-lived. In fact, monkeys tend to have many different relation ships in their lives before establishing a deep and lasting liaison monkeys are often gifted story.-tellers, being drawn to the world of fantasy. ROOSTER 1909,1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993,2005,20017 Roosters are diligent, efficient and deeply committed, often working long and hard to achieve their chosen goals. However, they are prone to talking on more work than they can cope with and experiencing bitter disappointment when they fail. Roosters like to work on their own, in their own way, and strongly react against any outside interference. They can be overbearing and bossy in their frustration with less-capable or partners. Roosters have a reputation for being forth right, but their honesty to the point of bluntness can cause them to lose friends. Inclined to the eccentric, Roosters adore adventure and make in trepid explorers of the world at large… DOG 1910,1922.1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994,2006,20018 Dogs are blessed with many of the finer traits of human nature. They are faithful and reliable, just like their animal counterparts, hard-working and dutiful-They are always anxious to give of their best. However, dogs can be rather conservative, reluctant to embrace new ideas and to develop- They can also be slow to learn, thus staying the patience of other signs. Dogs need close contact with other people. They are sympathetic, supportive, for giving and discreet in human relation ships. However, if a dog takes a dislike to you he or she can be highly critical and sarcastic. Dogs are not know for their romantic natures. Dogs need a good deal of encouragement to fulfill their potential. Unfortunately, some suffer from a lack of belief in them. PIG 1911,1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995,2007,2019 Pig people set a worthy example to the other signs. They are caring of others, particularly their families which are of paramount importance in their lives. They have an unshakeable faith in human nature and are staggeringly tolerant of the weakness of others. Pigs are highly industrious, taking great pains to carry out any task thoroughly and properly. They great pride in their endeavors. Almost fanatically efficient and tidy, Pig people want to succeed only on the buss of their own merits and hard labor. The pig may have few friends but they will be o the lifelong variety. المپياد علوم سال 86-1385 1- اساس كار يك دماپا در كدام گزينه است ؟ الف ) تفاوت جرم دو فلز ب ) تفاوت طول دو فلز ج ) تفاوت ميان انبساط دو فلز د ) تفاوت حجم دو فلز 2- لرزش تارهاي يك گيتار به حركت مولكلولهاي كدام يك از حالتهاي ماده شبيه مي باشد ؟ الف ) جامد ب ) مايع ج ) گاز د ) هيچكدام 3- كدام يك از مخلوط هاي زير محلول است ؟ الف ) آب و روغن ب ) جيوه و نقره ج ) خاك د ) شير 4 – هنگامي كه آونگ به بالاترين نقطه مي رسد انرژي پتانسيل آن نسبت به انرژي جنبشي آن …. ميشود . الف ) بيشتر ب ) كم تر ج ) مساوي د ) خيلي زياد 5 – كدام يك از نيروهاي زير باعث مي شود كه چتر باز پس از پرتاب از هواپيما به طرف پايين بيايد ؟ الف ) تكيه گاه ب ) اصطكاك ج ) الكتريكي د ) گرانش 6- سال نوري واحد چه كميتي است ؟ الف ) مسافت ب ) زمان ج ) سرعت د ) نيرو 7 – اتومبيلي با سرعت 120 كيلومتر در ساعت از نقطه A شروع به حركت ميكند پس از 3 ساعت به نقطه B مي رسد فاصله A تا B چند كيلومتر است ؟ الف ) 40 كيلومتر ب ) 120 كيلومتر ج ) 400 كيلومتر د ) 360 كيلومتر 8 – يك كيلوگرم پنير تقريباً چند نيوتن وزن دارد ؟ الف ) 1 نيوتن ب ) 10 نيوتن ج ) 20 نيوتن د ) 98 نيوتن 9_ چه موقع شتاب حركت يك متحرك صفر است و عقربه سرعت سنج عدد ثابتي را نشان مي دهد ؟ الف ) وقتي كه سرعت آن ثابت است . ب ) وقتي كه سرعت آن صفر است . ج ) وقتي كه سرعت آن در حال تغيير است . د ) وقتي كه سرعت آن بسيار كم است . 10 –شكل مقابل نشان دهنده ي چيست؟ الف)مولكول های روی سطح مايع به وسيله ی مولكول های پايين تر جذب می شوند. ب)مولكول های زيرين به مولكول هار رور سطح مايع ضربه می زنند. ج)بعضی از مولكول هار روی سطح مايع وارد هوا می شوند. د)مولكول های روی سطح مايع به مولكول های زيرين ضربه می زنند. 11_ هنگامي كه هوا سرد مي شود بخار آب موجود در آن ....... مي شود . الف ) رقيق ب ) متراكم ج ) بخار د ) غليظ 12_ كدام گروه از ابرها به صورت توده هاي سفيد و گل كلم مي آيند ؟ الف ) استراتوس ب ) مه ج ) كومولوس د ) سيروس 13_ در شكل مقابل اگر گلوله را در مسير نيم دايره رها كنيم گلوله در كدام حالت كم ترين و در كدام حالت بيش ترين انرژِ پتانسيل را دارد؟ الف)1-2 ب)2-3 ج)3-1 د)2-1
14_ شخصي در روي كره زمين داراي جرم 50 كيلومتر مي باشد اين شخص در كره شخص در كره ديگر كه مقدار جاذبه آن 2/1جاذبه زمين مي باشد داراي چه مقدار وزن است ؟ ( نيوتن = N )
الف ) N 500 ب )N 250 ج ) N 50 د ) N 250
15 – كدام يك از عوامل زير مانع خشك شدن بدن در هواي شرجي مي شود ؟
16 – بارش باران و بارش برف به دليل كدام يك از تغيير حالتهاي زير مي باشد ؟ الف ) ذوب – انجماد ب ) انجماد – ذوب ج ) ميعان –چگالش د ) تصعيد – ميعان 17 – افزودن ناخالصي به آب موجب .... نقطه اي انجماد و .... نقطه ي جوش آن مي شود . الف ) افزايش – كاهش ب ) كاهش- افزايش ج ) افزايش – افزايش د ) كاهش – كاهش 18_ شخصی از نقطهAشروع به حركت كرده و پس از طيّ مسيری به نقطه ی Bمی رسد.مقدار مسافت طی شده ی آن چه قدر است؟ الف)56/12 ب)28/6 ج)4 د)65/12 19 – فكر مي كنيد براي روشن كردن لامپ كدام صورت انرژي مفيد است ؟ الف ) مكانيكي ب ) گرمايي ج ) الكتريكي د ) شيميايي 20 – كدام يك از عوامل زير باعث به وجود آمدن موج نمي شود ؟ الف ) باران ب ) زلزله ج ) باد د ) آتش فشان
(( سؤالات تشريحي ))
1_ شكل مقابل دو دريا و عوامل محيطی موثّر بر آن ها را نشان می دهد. آب كدام دريا شور تر است؟چرا؟
2_ درشكل مقابل اگر جسم در جهت نيرو ی1Fبه حركت درآيد به ترتيب نيروهای 2F،3Fو4 Fكدام نيروها می باشند؟
3_ در يك ليوان با حجم 500 سي سي تا نصف آن ماسه مي ريزيم ( 250 سي سي ) به نظر شما آيا مي توانيم 260 سي سي آب را وارد ليوان كنيم بدون آنكه مقداري از آن سر ريز شود ؟ چرا ؟ اين ازمايش نشان دهنده كدام ويژگي ماده مي باشد ؟
4_ چرا در مناطق شرجي مثل شمال و جنوب كشورمان نمي توان از كولر آبي استفاده كرد ؟
الف ) كمبود نور خورشيد ب ) وزش باد گرم ج ) كند بودن سرعت تبخير د ) وزش باد سرد در اين حادثه تمامي دار و ندار مرد بازرگان سوخت و خاكستر شد و خسارت هنگفتي بر او وارد آمد. فكر مي كنيد آن مرد چه كرد؟خدا را مقصّر شمرد «خدايا!اكنون مي خواهي كه چه كنم؟» مرد تاجر پس از نابودي كسب پر رونق خود تابلويي بر ويرانه ي خانه و مغازه اش آويخت: مغازه ام سوخت. خانه ام سوخت. كالاهايم سوخت. اما ايمانم نسوخته است. فردا شروع به كار خواهم كرد. اين نمونه انساني است كه شيوه ي رويارويي صحيح با كشمكش ها ي زندگي را در رنج ها و دشواري ها آموخته است. شما عظيم تر از آني هستيذ كه مي انديشيد۳(مسعود لعلي) يادمان باشد شكست ها آزمايش ها ي خدا و راهی براي رسيدن به موفقيّت است(فقط لازم نيست تابلو آويزان كنيدـتوجّه به اصل متلب است )
و ملامت كرد يا اشك ريخت؟
او بالبخندي بر لبان و نوري در ديدگان سر به سوي آسمان بلند كرد و گفت:
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